This workflow outlines the general structure of the assessment phases to be implemented during a loop or a cycle. At our school, the AOL committee, the Dean’s Office, and departments coordinate in this process. As may be seen in the diagram,
• First of all, the dean starts the process for the first loop and develops the necessary documentation or regulations;
• Within the context of the appropriate regulations and mission, departments develop competency goals and objectives, or evaluate and update those that already exist. Interaction with stakeholders is ensured at this point. The AOL committee looks over the competency goals and objectives, getting help from the mentor when needed, and then providing input to the departments. These efforts will continue until all necessary adjustments have been made. Departments complete updates at their own discretion, as long as they adhere to AASCB standards and the school’s goal.
• Once the competency goals and objectives have been completed, the departments create curriculum maps that detail the relationships between courses and objectives. At this time, the AOL committee supports these activities.
• Departments develop assessment plans based on the relationships between competency objectives and courses in the curriculums as well as other activities (Table 5-1).
• The AOL committee checks the assessment plans and ensures that they are completed within the framework of necessary feedback; After its completion and dissemination, the committee requests the dean’s office to establish evaluation teams.
• The Dean’s Office assigns assessment teams in interaction with the departments. At this stage, the dean interacts with external stakeholders and invites them to assessment teams in the process.
• A the departments, the faculty develops assessment materials for the relevant objectives within their assessment teams.
• The AOL committee develops the draft assessment calendar when all tools and materials are ready. The Dean’s Office reviews the draft calendar and proposes changes if necessary. When all changes are complete, the Dean approves and disseminates the calendar.
• When the assessment period starts , all assessment activities defined at both the department and the dean’s level begin to be implemented. The AOL committee monitors all activities and provides the necessary support.
• As a result of the assessment activities carried out in the departments, the teams prepare assessment reports.
• The Dean’ Office collects reports. At this stage, the reports are evaluated and the dean, departments and AOL committee both in parallel and in coordination, examine the reports, identify the necessary improvement points, prioritize them, develop action plans, and implement the plans.
• Adding, removing, or revising content may be required as a result of the improvements made. The curriculum map is reviewed following improvements if this is the first data collecting phase of the loop, i.e., the first assessment period. Following this stage, the steps are repeated. The loop is closed if the second measurement period has already been completed and improvement points have been checked. New action plans can also be developed for the next loop. The process is restarted at the beginning of the next loop.

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DEU Faculty of Business

December 2024

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
  • BAClub/Women Leaders 1
  • Turuncu Perspektif/ Kadın Sanatçıların gözünden Kadına Şiddetin Önlenmesi-Platform Up-
  • Doğayı Birlikte Temizleyelim / Sigara İzmaritlerinin Doğaya verdiği zarar ile farkındalık oluşturma
  • Bir Girişimcinin Hikayesi- Girişim Ekosisteminde Kadının Yeri - Kariyer Etkinliği
  • Turuncu Kermes/ Turuncu Haftaya dikkat çekmek amacıyla yapılan kermes.
  • Engelli ile İletişim- Turizm İşletmeciliği Bölümü Etkinliği
  • KPD 1001 Career PlanningBUS-Online
  • Türkiye'de Çalışan Kadının Hakları/ Platform Up
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning ITB Career in Public Sector
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning TMT-Online
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning ECO-Online
  • Sağlıklı Yaşam İpuçları
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning SUNY-Online
  • Kariyer Planlama- Yapı Kredi Bankası Etkinliği
  • Turuncu Zirve Rez.
  • Z-06 Proje Semineri- Göç ve Mülteciler Zühal Ü. Çepel -Müge Vural- İrem A. Karakır/ Kariyer Etkinliği
  • Turuncu Zirve Rez.
  • HMS Otel Program Eğitimi Online Teams
  • HR Analitcs Konuk KOnuşmacı
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning ITB-Online/ Career of Private Sector
  • The Future of e-Business: Transforming Customer Experience-Kariyer Kom. Etkinliği
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning-ECO Online
  • Türkiye'de Yabancıların İş Kurma Süreci -'Türkiye'de iş kurmak isteyen yabancı girişimcilerin, izlemeleri gereken süreçler konusunda bilgilendirici seminer.
  • İhracat Satışı/ MRK 4120 Business to Business Markets Guest Speaker Session: Selling to Foreign Customers
  • KPD 1001 Carrier Planning - IRE Online/Özel Sektörde Kariyer
  • IRE Bölümü / Avrupa Birliği Hukukunda Yaşa Dayalı Ayrımcılık
  • Teknik Analiz Sunumu- IvestmentHub- PlatformUp
  • Pazarlamanın Geleceği; Sektör Lİderinden Tiyolar.- Şehrinaz Kartal -İşletme Bölümü Kariyer ETkinliği
  • HR Analitics Dersi Konuğu
  • Sağlıklı Yaşam Sırları
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning ECO-Online
  • 'TEB, TEB’de Kariyer ve Teftiş Kurulu Hakkında Bilgilendirme
  • MRK 412O BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS MARKETS 2024-2025 Fall Guest Speaker Session “Purchasing and importing: Challenges and opportunities”
  • Afet Biliçlendirme Eğitimi /
  • 'Gümrük Müşavirinin Sorumlulukları- Hamit YUmuk -Kariyer Etkinliği
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning ITB-Online/Academic Career
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