
KA226 Partnership for Digital Education Readiness, EU Erasmus+ Grant Programme


Development of Innovative, Gamified and Interactive Method for Advanced e-Teaching and E- learning of Skills

Project Duration: 1 March 2021 – 28 February 2023

Partner Instutions:

  • Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey
  • University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • University of Leon, Spain
  • University of Gdansk, Poland
  • Heilbronn University, Germany

Project Summary:

The aim of the project, acronym DIGIMATES, is to design and implement the DigiMates innovative method that will enable online game-based learning to improve the quality of e-learning. Specifically, it aims to increase the participation of millennial students in the e-learning process, encourage the acquisition of additional skill sets, and also enable virtual mobility. Unlike other related projects that are limited to a specific topic, have broad implications, and use very theoretical approaches, the DIGIMATES METHOD will be designed in a user-friendly manner and can be easily modified to suit different learning objectives and implemented in a cost-effective manner. As a result, the method proves useful in any relevant discipline and academic context.


  • Within the scope of the project, participants had the opportunity to discuss the COVID -19-related challenges we faced within the international team. This has provided valuable insight into how other higher education institutions are coping with current challenges. Additionally, as Dokuz Eylül University, we managed to expand our experience and network in international cooperation.
  • The research conducted so far as part of the project has asked participants about how online courses are delivered at each partner institution, the methods and software we use to do this, national curriculum requirements for online courses, digital literacy of faculty, students and administrative staff, security issues and many other aspects. provided detailed and comprehensive information.
  • The project has raised awareness of the importance of various aspects of online courses and the importance of incorporating game-based learning methods into existing courses in participating institutions. The project has strengthened cooperation between partner institutions.
  • The project and its results to date will be presented at the 31st NICE Network Annual (Rijeka, Croatia, 2022) Meeting (with more than 40 participants from 16 different European and partner countries), XIX Foro Internacional Sobre Evaluación De La Calidad De La Investigación Y La Educación Superior (Fecies, 2022). Presented at the conference and the 32nd NICE Network Annual meeting (Izmir, Turkey, 2023). As a result, the project has raised awareness at European level about the importance of introducing game-based learning methods in higher education, focusing on the comprehensive application of such methods.


DEU Faculty of Business

December 2024

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
  • BAClub/Women Leaders 1
  • Turuncu Perspektif/ Kadın Sanatçıların gözünden Kadına Şiddetin Önlenmesi-Platform Up-
  • Doğayı Birlikte Temizleyelim / Sigara İzmaritlerinin Doğaya verdiği zarar ile farkındalık oluşturma
  • Bir Girişimcinin Hikayesi- Girişim Ekosisteminde Kadının Yeri - Kariyer Etkinliği
  • Turuncu Kermes/ Turuncu Haftaya dikkat çekmek amacıyla yapılan kermes.
  • Engelli ile İletişim- Turizm İşletmeciliği Bölümü Etkinliği
  • KPD 1001 Career PlanningBUS-Online
  • Türkiye'de Çalışan Kadının Hakları/ Platform Up
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning ITB Career in Public Sector
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning TMT-Online
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning ECO-Online
  • Sağlıklı Yaşam İpuçları
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning SUNY-Online
  • Kariyer Planlama- Yapı Kredi Bankası Etkinliği
  • Turuncu Zirve Rez.
  • Z-06 Proje Semineri- Göç ve Mülteciler Zühal Ü. Çepel -Müge Vural- İrem A. Karakır/ Kariyer Etkinliği
  • Turuncu Zirve Rez.
  • HMS Otel Program Eğitimi Online Teams
  • HR Analitcs Konuk KOnuşmacı
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning ITB-Online/ Career of Private Sector
  • The Future of e-Business: Transforming Customer Experience-Kariyer Kom. Etkinliği
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning-ECO Online
  • Türkiye'de Yabancıların İş Kurma Süreci -'Türkiye'de iş kurmak isteyen yabancı girişimcilerin, izlemeleri gereken süreçler konusunda bilgilendirici seminer.
  • İhracat Satışı/ MRK 4120 Business to Business Markets Guest Speaker Session: Selling to Foreign Customers
  • KPD 1001 Carrier Planning - IRE Online/Özel Sektörde Kariyer
  • IRE Bölümü / Avrupa Birliği Hukukunda Yaşa Dayalı Ayrımcılık
  • Teknik Analiz Sunumu- IvestmentHub- PlatformUp
  • Pazarlamanın Geleceği; Sektör Lİderinden Tiyolar.- Şehrinaz Kartal -İşletme Bölümü Kariyer ETkinliği
  • HR Analitics Dersi Konuğu
  • Sağlıklı Yaşam Sırları
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning ECO-Online
  • 'TEB, TEB’de Kariyer ve Teftiş Kurulu Hakkında Bilgilendirme
  • MRK 412O BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS MARKETS 2024-2025 Fall Guest Speaker Session “Purchasing and importing: Challenges and opportunities”
  • Afet Biliçlendirme Eğitimi /
  • 'Gümrük Müşavirinin Sorumlulukları- Hamit YUmuk -Kariyer Etkinliği
  • KPD 1001 Career Planning ITB-Online/Academic Career
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